Product Description
huffy Disney Princess Branded 16" Girls Bicycle in Hot Pink. Specifications: Steel Curbed Frame, Steel Unicrown Fork, Front Caliper/Rear Coaster Brakes, Padded Seat with Graphics, Steel Rims, Padded Handlebars, Training Wheels, Alloy Seat QR, Handlebar Bag, Crystal Cascade Streamers, Wheel Inserts, and Alloy 4-bolt Stem.
This bike is very nice and strong. Assembly took around half an hour, instructions are very bad but in any case it was pretty straight forward. My 5 year old learned to ride it in a couple of weeks without the auxiliar wheels, bike height is also appropiate for the age and will grow with the kid.
I bought this bike for my 5 year old daughter for Christmas. Yes it is very cute, but everything falls apart. First off, when we took it out of the box you could see where the welding was very poorly done, and it was scuffed, and scratched in different parts. The hand brake has never worked, the pedal falls off almost every time its used, and the training wheels barely stay on. I have never seen a bike built so badly! Not only is it built bad, but it is very dangerous considering nothing stays put together. I would not recommend this product to anyone!
I bought this for my youngest daughter and she loves it. Very nice bicycle. Good quality would recomend.
Nice looking bike for my 4 year old, who loves the Disney Princesses. The box was delivered in pristine condition, so I thought there was no way that the bike was damaged on the inside.
However, the handbrake level was disassembled and had loose pieces in the box. I was able to retrieve the pieces and reconstruct the handbrake, but if I hadn't been meticulous, this would have been a missing piece.
But worst of all, the fork, which came pre-attached to the frame, was bent/tilted. Again, this could not have been damaged from shipping, there was no sign of damage at all. The fork must have been bent from the factory. Now I have to deal with the headache of returning this bike.
The bike arrived damaged. It was dented and scratched pretty badly. The chain cover was warped as well. Also, no instructions, streamers, handlebar padding or handlebar bag included. The bike really looked to have been partially assembled and then returned. A portion of the pieces were wrapped in a typical, white grocery store bag. Very upset that Amazon would take back an item and then ship it out to another customer. The bike went back and we were forced to grab another at a local store to have in time for Christmas.
I bought this bike for my daughter's 4th birthday. She loves Disney Princesses, and pink is her favorite color. I guess this is typical for most girls her age, so my guess is that if your daughter is like mine, she, too, will LOVE this bike. It is covered in Disney Princesses, sparkly jewels, and flower decals. The giant pink things in the wheel spokes are sparkly pink gems ( it's hard to tell that from the picture.)
My husband put it together with just a few tools, and it seemed to go together fairly easily. I guess it took about 1/2 an hour, and I had to help a bit with holding things while he tightened them. The directions were a bit wordy, I prefer ones that show more pictures, and have fewer words. And the instruction booklet has several different styles of bikes listed, with various differences in accessories and parts. So you need to read through to find the correct style/model for this bike. But once you have it put together, your little girl's dreams of a big girl bike will come true!
It is very sturdy, and solidly built. I'm sure it will still be looking good long after she outgrows this size bike. The tassels on the handle bars might not last that long, as it seems they break off fairly easily.
My bike came from FogDog, which I have never heard of. It was delivered quickly, and with no problems. So I have no qualms about ordering from this company again. They also had free shipping, and no taxes, so I paid the price listed, and nothing more. It arrives in a box which is covered in Princesses and shows the bike, so if it is to be a surprise, you may want to be aware of this.
So, in conclusion, I give this bike 5++ stars, and 5 stars to FogDog, with 3 1/2 stars for the assembly directions ( for 5 stars they need to have instructions written for this specific model, without all the different models included. )
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About Huffy Princess Girls 16-Inch Bike detail
- Amazon Sales Rank: #2533 in Sports & Outdoors
- Brand: Disney
- Model: 21957
- Released on: 2007-05-23
- Dimensions: 7.00" h x 17.00" w x 37.00" l, 29.00 pounds
- 16-inch bike ideal for girls who have just learned how to ride
- Decorated with decals of colorful Disney princesses; includes handlebar bag
- Padded seat and colorful streamers hanging from the ends of the hand grips
- Double-guard chain guard prevents dangerous chain interference and wheel jamming
- Includes two removable training wheels
Read more Huffy Princess Girls 16-Inch Bike
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